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National Medical Colleges in Birgunj – MBBS Admission of 2024

Birgunj is a metro city in the Parsa District in Madesh Province in Southern Nepal. It is also known as the Commercial Centre of Nepal. Birgunj is one of Nepal’s largest cities and the country’s fifth most populous state. It is becoming a destination of academic institutions for medical aspirants. The city provides a conducive environment for the students to pursue the courses here. This article will share more information about the Medical Colleges in Birgunj.

National Medical colleges in Birgunj

List of Medical Colleges in Birgunj

The City of Birgunj is among the most sought-after places to take up a course in the healthcare field. Because it is a growing city, there are only 2 colleges here. So, given below is the list of these colleges in Birgunj is given below: 

S.NoCollege NameType
1.National Medical College, BirgunjPrivate
2.Birgunj Nursing CampusPrivate

National Medical Colleges, Birgunj: Fee Structure 2024

There are 2 medical colleges in the city of Birgunj. The management of the institutions and the Nepal Medical Council decide Nepal Medical Colleges Fees. The fees differ because of several aspects, like course structure, faculty members, facilities offered, and placements. Fees structure for these colleges is given below:

College NameFees
National Medical College, Birgunj$ 75,021
Institute of Medicine, Birgunj

National Medical College, Birgunj

National Medical College, Birgunj, was founded in 2001 under the Chairman, Prof. Dr. Jainuddin Ansari, an established surgeon who has won national and international awards. The Institution is among the best colleges in Nepal. It is committed to providing quality healthcare facilities to each and every citizen in the country.  

The National Hospital is attached to the college campus. It has modernized and updated equipment such as bronchoscopes, ECHO, ECG, endoscopes, colposcopes, and 64-slice CT Scanners. Other services like ICU, CCU, NICU, PPU, CAC, and PAC are available in the hospital. Patient flow during the summer months is more than 850, and the patient flow increases on a daily basis. 

The institution offers MBBS Course, and the student intake for the program is 100. The number of Foreign Students taken is 33 per year. The College comes under Tribhuvan University, and Nepal Medical Council approves the courses.

If you want to know more about this Private Medical College in Birgunj, take a look at my article on National Medical College Birgunj.

  •  Address: National Medical College, Birgunj 15, Parsa, Nepal.

Birgunj Nursing Campus

Birgunj Campus of Nursing was founded in 1975 with the Community Auxiliary Course. During the 43 years of its existence, the college has seen tremendous progress in the medical field. It has changed the academic programs from CMA to Bachelor in Nursing Science BNS. The Institution aims to become a world-renowned college in the nursing field.

Currently, the college offers two programs: Proficiency Certificate Level Nursing Program PCL Nursing with 45 students taken per year and Bachelor in Nursing BN with 25 students each year. Birgunj Hospital List includes OPD and IPD Patients.

  • Address: Birgunj Nursing Campus, Birta 04, Birgunj Metropolitan City, Province II, Nepal.


Now, coming to the last part of the article, Medicine is an evergreen and most respected among other professions. Doctors are well respected and highly paid according to their experience in the field. While selecting the best college according to your preference and budget, please go through the affiliation and recognition, courses, placements, as well as on-campus facilities offered for the medical aspirants. 

If you want more information about the Medical Colleges in Birgunj, please call or write to us in the comments section below. Our team will respond to your queries at the earliest. Good Luck with your brilliant future!

National Medical colleges in Birgunj

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How many medical colleges are there in Birgunj?

A. There are 2 medical colleges in Birgunj.

Q2. What is the fees structure of National Medical College, Birgunj for MBBS Course?

A. The fees structure of National Medical College, Birgunj is $ 75,021 for the MBBS Course.

Q3. Is the NEET Score valid in India?

A. Yes, the NEET Score is valid in India.

Q4. How many MBBS Seats are there in Nepal?

A. The Government of Nepal provides 1895 MBBS seats in Nepal.

Q5. How many attempts are allowed in NEET?

A. As per National Testing Agency, there is no limit on the number of attempts allowed in NEET.

Q6. Does National Medical College, Birgunj provide hostel facility?

A. Yes, National Medical College, Birgunj provides hostel facility.

Q7. Can I get MBBS with 200 marks?

A. Aspirants who get 200 Marks will be NEET qualified but are eligible for admission to MBBS.

Q8.  How many semesters are there for an MBBS Course in Nepal?

A. The MBBS Course is divided into 9 semesters in Nepal.

Q9. What is the National Medical College, Birgunj fee structure?

A. The fee structure at National Medical College, Birgunj is about $75,020.

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About Dr.Sushil Agarwal

I am Dr.Sushil Agarwal natively from Assam and settled in Bangalore. I am guiding students from the last 16 years for selecting their careers, course, and college. I am a professional career blogger and write mainly about different careers and colleges in India.

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