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BDS Colleges in UP: Types, Fee Structure & NEET Counseling

Today, we’ll talk about various dental colleges in Uttar Pradesh and how you can get admission to them. This post will be divided into three parts.

  • First, we’ll discuss the number of colleges.
  • In the second half, we’ll talk about their cut-offs and fee structure.
  • In the third part, we’ll discuss how you can get admission to those colleges.

Learn everything about BDS admission in Uttar Pradesh through this post.

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Now let’s look at what types of colleges are in our state, Uttar Pradesh. Across India, in any state, there are three types of colleges.

  • The first is your government colleges.
  • The second is your state private colleges.
  • The third is deemed to be universities.

In some states, you’ll also find central universities, which we’ll talk about later.

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Government Dental Colleges in UP

Now, if you want to take admission to government colleges, the government colleges have a seat intake capacity. For example, KGMC is our state government college, which has 50 to 60 seats. Under this, 15% of seats come under All India NEET counseling, and the remaining 85% of seats come under state counseling, which we also call UPNEET.

After this, if you want to be admitted to central universities like BHU or AMU, all of their seats come under All India NEET counseling. They are not counted in state private counseling or state government counseling.

Next, if we talk about deemed-to-be universities, like Santosh University which has 100 seats, all of these come under All India NEET counseling.

Private Dental Colleges in UP

Now moving to the best part, all the state private dental colleges, as I told you there are a total of 22 state private dental colleges, and all of these come under UP DGME counseling, which is the state counseling of Uttar Pradesh.

You don’t have to appear in any other counseling for this. Many students get confused thinking that if they’ve filled out the NEET counseling form, they can select this college which is a UP state private college, but that is not possible. If you want admission to any private dental college in UP, you’ll have to register on the UP DGME website only.

Central Universities in UP

Now, if we sum up, if you want admission to central universities, you have to apply to the All India quota, which we call NEET counseling. If you want to take government seats, you’ll have to apply for UP DGME seats. If you want to take admission to deemed universities, you’ll have to go through All India counseling. And if you want admission to UP state private dental colleges, you’ll again have to appear in UP DGME counseling.


Students from Other States

If we talk about residents from outside UP, suppose you’re residing in Maharashtra or West Bengal, you might think, “Can I appear in UP state counseling?” The answer is Yes, for UP’s private dental colleges, it doesn’t matter which state you’re a resident of. You’ll have to provide your Aadhar card at the time of document verification before you can appear.

Eligibility Criteria

Moving forward, if we talk about the eligibility criteria for taking admissions in these colleges, see,

  • The first and most important eligibility criteria is that you must be NEET qualified. You cannot get admission in any of these 22 colleges, in fact, these 26 colleges including the government ones, unless you’re NEET qualified. Many students have this misconception that they can be admitted without qualifying for NEET, but that is not possible.
  • Apart from this, you should have 50% in PCB, which is mandatory. This is checked when your documents are taken during document verification.
  • Besides this, whatever minor other criteria are there, like whatever documents will be required at the time of admission, that’s a separate process.

But getting 50% of PCB marks and your NEET qualification is mandatory to gain admission to any of these colleges.

Quick Recap

As we move forward, there are around a total of 26 dental colleges in Uttar Pradesh, out of which

  • One is your state government dental college named King George Medical College, also known as KGMC.
  • Second are your central universities, there are a total of two central universities AMU (Aligarh Muslim University) and BHU.
  • Third comes your deemed university, there’s only one deemed university in Uttar Pradesh named Santosh Dental College, which we also know as Santosh Deemed University.
  • Next, if you see, out of a total of 26, 22 are state private dental colleges which include ITSC, IDST, and many other dental colleges come under state private dental colleges.

Cut off for Dental Colleges

Now if we talk about cut-offs, many students are told that their score is very low, they won’t be able to get admission to this college or they’ll have to give a donation. See, all of these things are marketing gimmicks, nothing like this happens.

See, to gain admission to any dental college, you have to make sure that you’re NEET qualified. Maybe if the cut-off criteria are 130 marks and you have 140 or 150, see, I won’t tell you that you’ll get into any top college, but basically you can definitely appear in the counseling.

The first and foremost criteria and the cut-off thing is that you have to qualify. If the NEET score is 137 and if you even get 138 marks, you’re qualified and you can appear for the counseling.


Fee Structure for BDS in Private Colleges

Now if we talk about the fee structure of colleges, students are very curious about what the college fee structure will be. See, even if you are admitted to UP’s top colleges, their fee structure is a maximum of 20 to 22 lakhs. I’m telling you the full fee structure for the full course, and minimum it will go around 10 lakhs for the full five years fee structure.

Quota for Neet

Moving on, if we talk about quota, many students have a query “Ma’am, is there any quota criteria in the college we’re taking admission to?” See, there are no quota criteria in state private dental colleges.

If you’re SC, ST, or come in the OBC category, or EWS general category, you won’t get any major benefit for that like you see in government colleges. There’s nothing like that in-state private dental colleges. There’s no fee reduction. Maybe some colleges give you an opportunity for fee reduction, but for the majority, whatever category and whatever cut-off, it remains equal for everyone.

UP Neet Counseling

Moving on, we’ll talk about the counseling of state and private dental colleges. See, UP’s counseling is called UP DGME. If you go to the UP DGME website, you’ll see every year’s cut-off, and merit list, There is quite a lot there, and then which colleges come under it, you’ll be able to see that too.

I’ll suggest this only, whenever you think about taking admission, please do attend the counseling. What many students do is that I won’t sit in the first round, I won’t appear in the second round, we’ll wait till the last round. Please do not make that mistake. It is always advisable that you register in the first round itself.

UP’s counseling happens in four rounds. The first two rounds are round one and round two, the third round we also call the mop-up round, and the last round we also call the stray round or stray vacancy round. So it is always mandatory that you fill up your form in the first round itself.

You can go for government counseling in the first round, but from the second round, you can try for private. But do not miss the counseling procedure every year no matter what your score is. It is always advisable that you definitely appear in the counseling.

Wrap UP

Guys, you can write your queries in the comment section, or else you can try to contact us on Career Mudra. If you call Career Mudra, maybe sometimes we’re busy and not able to take up your call, but someone from our team will definitely attend your call. So guys, if you liked this post, and found it informative, please share it with your friends and family, and yes, do subscribe, like, and share Career Mudra. Thank you.

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About Prajwal CM

With over 2 years of experience crafting engaging and informative content across various formats. Currently, I'm diving deeper into the exciting world of SEO, eager to leverage its power to boost content visibility and reach the right audience.

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