Hello, welcome to CareerMudhra …..! If you’re considering pursuing an MDS, one of the key aspects you’ll likely think about is the MDS stipend in private dental colleges.
What is the stipend for MDS students?
An MDS stipend is a financial allowance provided to students pursuing a Master of Dental Surgery (MDS) program. MDS stipend is usually offered by dental colleges to support students during their three-year course. The MDS stipend helps cover living expenses, research-related costs, and other academic expenses, making it easier for students to focus on their studies and clinical practice without heavy financial burden.
However, the reality is that while stipend facilities are commonly available in government dental colleges, they are often missing mds stipend in private colleges. This is a significant challenge for many aspiring students. But what if you could combine the experience of studying at a reputed dental college with the added benefit of a stipend? That would certainly make your MDS journey much more manageable, wouldn’t it?
In this article, we will be focusing on the MDS stipend in private dental colleges (32 DCI-recognized deemed universities), along with the latest fee structures.
To ensure you get the most reliable data, the stipend information provided here has been sourced directly from official college websites and DCI (Dental Council of India) https://dciindia.gov.in/. Please note that this data is current as of now. While the information is 100% reliable, stipend amounts may vary slightly each year based on each college’s discretion and management policies. Therefore, the stipend structures shared here represent the most accurate and up-to-date information available.So, without further ado, let’s dive into the MDS stipend details for these 32 DCI-recognized deemed universities!
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MDS Stipend In Private Dental Colleges 2025
The stipend for MDS students in private dental colleges can vary significantly based on several factors, including the college administration, affiliations, and regulations. Unfortunately, there is limited and inconsistent information available about stipends for MDS programs at private institutions.
Several factors contribute to this lack of uniformity:
- Lack of standardized stipend policies across private dental colleges.
- Private colleges often prioritize fee collection over stipend facilities.
- Variability in stipend amounts depends on the region and management of the college.
However, there are 32 deemed universities that participate in the MCC Counseling and have established fee structures and MDS stipends for 2025. These are some of the private MDS colleges in India offering stipends:
Private MDS colleges give stipends in India
Private MDS colleges give stipend in India
Also See:
MDS Admission Through Management Quota 2025
MDS Fees In Private Colleges In India 2025
MDS Stipend In Private Dental Colleges with Fees 2025
MDS Stipend & fees In Saveetha Dental College
Saveetha Dental College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu is a deemed university. The fee structure for MDS clinical branches is as follows:
Oral Surgery, Orthodontics, Endodontics, and Prosthodontics cost ₹16.5 lakhs per year. The fees for Pedodontics inSaveetha Dental College are ₹15.5 lakhs per year, Periodontics costs ₹12 lakhs per year, and Saveetha Dental College’s PhD program costs ₹5 lakhs per year.
For Oral Medicine and Radiology (OMDR), the fee is ₹8 lakhs per year, and for Oral Pathology, it is ₹3 lakhs per year.
Additional expenses include a one-time security deposit and hostel fees. The hostel fees of Saveetha Dental College range from ₹1.5 lakhs to ₹2 lakhs per year.
The MDS stipend at Saveetha Dental College is up to ₹35,000 per month for clinical branches for three years. For non-clinical branches, the stipend ranges from ₹20,000 to ₹25,000 per month.
MDS Stipend & fees In Manipal College of Dental Science
Manipal College of Dental Sciences has two campuses: one in Manipal, Karnataka, and another in Mangalore, Karnataka.
The fee structure for the Manipal campus is as follows:
- Clinical branches like Endodontics and Orthodontics cost ₹58 lakhs in total for three years. This includes ₹19.42 lakhs in the first year, ₹29 lakhs in the second year, and ₹9.62 lakhs in the third year.
- Oral Surgery fees total ₹53 lakhs for three years, with ₹17.4 lakhs in the first year, ₹26.5 lakhs in the second year, and ₹8.75 lakhs in the third year.
For OMDR, Oral Pathology, and PhD programs, the total fees amount to ₹26 lakhs for three years, with ₹11.6 lakhs in the first year, ₹17.32 lakhs in the second year, and ₹5.68 lakhs in the third year.
The stipend structure for both the Manipal and Mangalore campuses is as follows:
- ₹30,000 per month in the first year,
- ₹35,000 per month in the second year, and
- ₹40,000 per month in the third year.
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MDS Stipend & fees In Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College
Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College has three campuses: one in Navi Mumbai and the other two in Pune and Sangli.
Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai, Maharastra
Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College and Hospital, Pune, Maharastra
Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College and Hospital, Sangli, Maharastra
The fee structure for clinical branches last year was ₹14.33 lakhs per annum. However, there is a 5% increment in fees every year. Based on this, the current fee structure for clinical branches is approximately ₹15 lakhs per annum.
The MDS stipend of Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College is as follows:
- 37,000/- per month (1st year)
- 40,500/- per month (2nd year)
- 43,500/- per month (3rd year)
For non-clinical branches like OMDR and Oral Pathology, the fee structure last year was ₹9.50 lakhs per annum. With the 5% annual increment, the current fee is approximately ₹10 lakhs per annum.
Please note the consistent annual fee increase while planning for admissions.
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MDS Stipend & fees In AB Shetty Dental College
AB Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore, Karnataka, is also a deemed university.
The fee structure for clinical branches such as Orthodontics, Endodontics, Pedodontics, Prosthodontics, and Oral Surgery is ₹10.16 lakhs in the first year, followed by ₹10 lakhs per year for the subsequent years.
For non-clinical branches:
- Periodontics fees are ₹7.66 lakhs in the first year and ₹7.5 lakhs per year for the following years.
- Oral Medicine and Radiology (OMDR) fees are ₹3 lakhs per annum.
- Oral Pathology (OP) fees are ₹2 lakhs per annum.
AB Shetty dental college MDS stipend are:
- 6,000/- per month (1st year)
- 6,000/- per month (2nd year)
- 6,000/- per month (3rd year)
MDS Stipend & fees In SRM Katt. Dental College and Hospital
SRM Kattankulathur Dental College and Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu or SRM Katt. Dental College which is in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, It is important to clarify that there are three distinct dental colleges in Chennai:
- SRM Kattankulathur Dental College, Chennai
- SRM Dental College, Chennai
- Sri Ramachandra Institute of Dental Sciences, Chennai
These are separate institutions, so do not confuse them as a single college under the SRM name.
Now, focusing on SRM Kattankulathur Dental College:
- The fee for clinical branches such as Endodontics, Oral Medicine, and Oral Surgery is ₹14 lakhs per year.
- Prosthodontics fees are ₹11 lakhs per year.
- Pedodontics fees are ₹12 lakhs per year.
- Periodontics fees are ₹9 lakhs per year.
For non-clinical branches:
- Ph.D. programs in Oral Medicine and Radiology (OMDR) and Oral Pathology (OP) have a one-time registration fee of ₹10,000 at the start of the session.
MDS Stipend for SRM Katt. Dental College are:
- 5,000/- per month (1st year)
- 5,500/- per month (2nd year)
- 6,000/- per month (3rd year)