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Nirmala Nursing College Shimoga Bhadravathi Admission, Fee Structure

Apply for Admission 2022-23

If you are a regular reader of CareerMudhra, then you might know that we have a team of expert nurses who can help in guiding students to the best nursing colleges in India. On this page, I will be giving you an in-depth view of Nirmala Nursing College in Shimoga.

There are actually 5 nursing colleges in Shimoga and Nirmala nursing college is one of them. The other nursing colleges in Shimoga are:

Shimoga is around 5-6 hours from Bangalore and if you are interested, you can also check my detailed post about the top 10 nursing colleges in Bangalore and INC approved nursing colleges in Bangalore.

Many of you might have dreamed to become a nurse as it is a profession in the health care sector. The nurse is a professional who cares for the sick.

Nursing comprises the largest component of the health care sector. And many of you might have dreamed to become a nurse.

So I thought of writing an article about nursing colleges. This article is about Nirmala college of Nursing situated in Bhadravathi, Shimoga District, Karnataka.

The college is approved by Karnataka Nursing Council(KNC) and Indian Nursing Council(INC).

I thought of writing about this article because I did my undergraduate from Shimoga and many of my friends contacted me to know about nursing colleges in Shimoga.

I will try my best to convey to you all the information about Nirmala college of nursing. I hope after reading you all your dilemma will be solved.

So lets’ talk about Nirmala College of Nursing.

The main motto of the college is to provide quality nursing education and to meet the need of our society. Also, they focus to bring skillful efficient nurses.

Every year hundreds of students pass from this college and they are placed in hospitals in India and abroad.

They say “service to humanity is service to God”.


Nirmala College of Nursing was started in the year 2004.  It is established in the year 1955 under the management of St. Charles medical Society. This college was established by St. Charles Borromeo.

The Nirmala College of Nursing is situated in Old Town Bhadravathi Shimoga district, Karnataka 577303.

The college is affiliated with Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science (RGUHS) and approved by Karnataka Nurse Council and Indian Nurse Council.

The college has a large campus. College is owned by private and there are around 50 faculties.



Nirmala College of Nursing provides the following courses:

  • BSc.Nursing degree course.
  • General nursing and midwifery course.

I will discuss in detail each one of the courses and guide you on how to apply

First will talk about B.Sc.Nursing degree course.

Their main motto is to provide appropriate education and clinical training to come out as the best professional nurse.

Duration of the course

The duration of the course is 4 academic years.

Admission requirement

To get admission to Nirmala College of Nursing candidate should be an unmarried woman. Also, they give special consideration to religious sisters.


The eligibility criteria include:

  • The candidate must have passed 10+2 with a minimum mark of about 45% and not less than that in physics, chemistry, biology, and English from a recognized university or equivalent to a recognized educational board.
  • The candidate must have completed 17 years of age before December 31st.
  • The age of the candidate should be between 17 and 35 years of age.
  • For religious sisters, one year of religious profession is a must.
  • Last but not least a good language of English is essential.


You can collect the application for the B.Sc. nursing courses from the office of Nirmala Nursing college. A payment of RS 300/per form. You can either pay by cash or DD in the name “Principal, Nirmala College of Nursing, Bhadravathi”. The application forms will be published from 1st of April to 20th June. The publicity for the application form will be given through advertisement.

The application form should be filled carefully and submitted to the office on or before 15th June. Along with the application, form candidates are asked to submit the Xerox copies of the following certificates.

  • SSLC/CBSE/ICSC certificates.
  • Certificate of II PUC or its equivalent with mark list.
  • Conduct certificate from the head of the institution where last attended.
  • Caste Certificate & income certificate.
  • Recent physical fitness certificate.
  • Birth certificate.
  • Four recent passport-size photographs.
  • Migration certificate for those outside Karnataka.
  • Transfer Certificate from the institute last attended.

In the next step, you should give a written exam conducted by Nirmala College of Nursing and later on should attend an interview.

It’s two hours exams including physics, chemistry, maths, biology, general knowledge, and Ethics.

The exam will be offline conducted from Nirmala College of Nursing Bhadravathi.

Later on, for the interview, the candidates are asked to submit their original certificates of the following.

  • Four recent passport-size photographs.
  • Migration certificate for those outside Karnataka
  • Caste Certificate  & income certificate
  • An eligibility Certificate should be obtained from RGUHS.
  • Birth certificate
  • Certificate of PUC or its equivalent with mark list.
  • Recent physical fitness certificate.
  • Transfer Certificate from the institute last attended
  • Extracurricular activities, if any.
  • Conduct certificate from the head of the institution where last attended
  • SSLC/CBSE/ICSC certificates

On the same day of the interview in the evening, the results will be announced and those who are qualified candidates must undergo a medical check. The qualified candidates are supposed to pay RS:20000/- immediately.

Payment of the fee can be made through cash/ Demand draft payable at Bhadravathi drawn in favor of NIRMALA COLLEGE OF NURSING.

The fees once paid will not be refunded at any cost. Even if the student didn’t join the institute or leave the institute before completion of the course.

General Nursing and Midwifery

After completing this course you will be able to work as a member of the health team. The course will serve for advanced study and specialization in nursing.

The duration of the course is 3½  academic years.


  • The candidate must have passed 10+2 with a minimum mark of about 40% and not less than that in physics, chemistry, biology, and English from a recognized university or equivalent to a recognized educational board.
  • The candidate must have completed 17 years of age before December 31st.
  • The age of the candidate should be between 17 and 35 years of age.
  • For religious sisters, one year of religious profession is a must.
  • Last but not least a good language of English is essential.


You can collect the application form from Nirmala school of Nursing old town Badravathi on payment of Rs:250/- cash or by demand draft drawn in favor of Nirmala school of nursing is payable at Bhadravathi. The application form should be filled and reach the principal on or before 30th June.

Along with your application form please attach the following Xerox copies of the following:

  • Birth certificate
  • Certificate of II PU or its equivalent with mark list
  • Transfer certificate and conduct certificate from the head of the institution.
  • Recent physical fitness certificate
  • Four recent passport size photo
  • Migration certificate for those outside Karnataka

Selection of the candidate

  • The selected candidates are supposed to give written exams and interviews from Nirmala school of Nursing, Nirmala Hospital, old town Badravathi.
  • Later they should attend written exams of 1 hour in chemistry, physics, biology, English and general knowledge.
  • The date of the test and interview will be intimidated by post.

The following original certificates should be submitted  at the time of the interview:

  • Birth certificate.
  • Transfer and Conduct certificate from the head of the institution.
  • Caste and income certificate.
  • Migration certificate.
  • Recent physical certificate.

The list of candidates selected for the course will be called on the same day evening after the interview. An admission fee of 10,000/- must be paid immediately.

The payment of the fee can be made through cash or demand draft payable at BHADRAVATHI drawn in favor of NIRMALA SCHOOL OF NURSING.

The fee once paid will not be refunded even if the student leaves the institution before completing the course or doesn’t join the institute.

Other Information About Nirmala Nursing College

Health Program: For every student of Nirmala Nursing College, a health program is available. This includes a regular check-up, routine tests, vaccinations, etc.

Library Facility: Nirmala Nursing College has its own Library with all the latest editions of academic books and journals covering all the subjects.

SNA: SNA means Student Nurses Association. The college supports in providing membership for all the students to the Students Nurses Association for better networking and expansion of knowledge.

Recreational Activities: A lot of outdoor and indoor recreational activities are conducted for students regularly to keep them active and interactive.


This information about Nirmala Nursing College in Shimoga is collected through their official website, personal and online research.

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About Akash Agarwalla

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